Get Organized in 2024

If your house is looking anything like MY house right now, you might be feeling like I am - a little overwhelmed. It’s like my home is having its very own holiday hangover.

Newly opened gifts are stacked in little piles everywhere, the refrigerator is bursting with leftovers (and yet, somehow there’s nothing to eat), and a towering stack of cardboard shipping boxes waits to be cut down for the recycle bin. So much happiness, and so much chaos….

I’m coasting through this lazy week-between-Christmas-and-New-Years and giving myself permission to relax, enjoy this time with family, and not stress about the mess. BUT, once the ball drops, I’ll reign in the mess and get the house back in order.

Is 2024 is the year you will conquer the chaos and clutter? Here are 3 quick easy tips to help you get started:

  1. Start small. Don’t try to eat the elephant in one bite - choose a drawer or one kitchen cabinet - to tackle first. You’ll can see results faster and create less mess in the process.

  2. Get the clutter out of your house. Once you identify items for trash or donation, bag them up immediately. Put the trash bags in the garbage and the donation bags in your car. Find the nearest donation center and drive there right away. Don’t let the bags sit and become clutter!

  3. Celebrate! Take a step back and admire your work. Get excited about your progress! Take a photo and send it to your BFF!

organized linen closet with bins

Actual photo I sent my BFF after I organized my linen closet last winter.


Why Everything in Your Home Needs a Home